Pellet production plants

Pellet production plants
The high professionalism of CARMAC GROUP, gained in many years spent in the woodworking  industry and combined with the experience of pellet mills’ manufacturers, has allowed to introduce to the costumer  a reliable team, which can offer industrial “turn key” plants for pellet production.
CARMAC GROUP plants are very versatile, it’s possible to use many types of wood (like sawdust, wastes, solids, secondary forest products, wet wood chips, etc.)as  raw material.
We can offer personalized solutions, depending on our costumer’s necessities, paying attention to their requests and developing the best answer on price and functionality.

Our plants are made of machines connected to each other, which are suitable to the different phases of working:
- Milling
- Drying
- Storage
- Refinement
- Uploading and transport
- Screening
- Packaging
- Aspiration


